Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Role of Social Media in Influencing Activism - 550 Words

Role of Social Media in Influencing Activism and Revolution on the World Stage (Essay Sample) Content: NameInstructorCourseDateRole of Social Media in Influencing Activism and Revolution on the World StageSocial media networks have opened new communication channels to enable people traverse geographical boundaries to communicate with others around the world (Swenson 105). Popular social media networks such as YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter allow people to share ideas, multimedia messages, and form groups or follow like-minded people. Consequently, people have been able to build strong relations, share many ideas and visions regardless of the distance separating them. However, despite being such an important form of technology, social media networks have altered human behavior in various aspects (Swenson 117). For instance, civil disobedience, activism, and revolutions have taken an online approach. Contemporary revolutions such as those witnessed in the Arab Spring recently originated from social media. "Internet-based social media sites have been increasingly used to organize political activism across the globe" (Swenson 107).Increased mobility of information through social media makes people synthesize the information faster and make decisions quicker (Lynch 302). For example, immediately after the Tsunami in Japan, people from all over the world joined social media to support the affected Japanese Communities. Videos and news of the unfortunate events were posted on social media by some civil society groups and concerned individuals. "Changes related to globalization have resulted in the growing separation of individuals in late modern societies from traditional bases of social solidarity" (Bennett and Segerberg 770). Consequently, social media networks create an avenue for individuals to join hands for a common purpose.Social media networks enforce the element of urgency in news delivery (Bennett and Segerberg 772). People often make quick decisions in order to keep abreast with the latest or trending information. Social media are often bomb arded with an enormous chunk of information every passing second. Therefore, in order for one to stay up to date, they have to respond immediately before the information is overcome by other interesting or more compelling news (Bennett and Segerberg 776). It is this urgency that strengthens revolutionary movements because more people can join hands for a cause in just a few seconds. For instance, the revolutions in the Arab Spring countries such as Tunisia, Egypt and the ongoing Syrian Revolution have been able to attract huge interest on social media. In Egypt, the civilians were able to organize revolutionary meetings over social media. They were able to form large crowds that eventually overthrew the president.Social networks also enhance word of mouth communication. People can share their thoughts and feelings on different subjects. During revolutions, people share information such as loss of lives, areas most affected, and where the fight is headed next (Lynch 305). Previously, such information would only be relayed through word of mouth or telephone calls. However, with social media it is possible for people to plan, execute, and assess their revolutions online. Since this information is relayed instantly, it has a lot of psychological impact on the audience. It causes people to feel closer to each other especially in difficult times when rebelling against establishments.In conclusion, social media networks play a crucial role in contemporary communication. They promote unity of people in promoting common goals, initiating social change, and in execu... Role of Social Media in Influencing Activism - 550 Words Role of Social Media in Influencing Activism and Revolution on the World Stage (Essay Sample) Content: NameInstructorCourseDateRole of Social Media in Influencing Activism and Revolution on the World StageSocial media networks have opened new communication channels to enable people traverse geographical boundaries to communicate with others around the world (Swenson 105). Popular social media networks such as YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter allow people to share ideas, multimedia messages, and form groups or follow like-minded people. Consequently, people have been able to build strong relations, share many ideas and visions regardless of the distance separating them. However, despite being such an important form of technology, social media networks have altered human behavior in various aspects (Swenson 117). For instance, civil disobedience, activism, and revolutions have taken an online approach. Contemporary revolutions such as those witnessed in the Arab Spring recently originated from social media. "Internet-based social media sites have been increasingly used to organize political activism across the globe" (Swenson 107).Increased mobility of information through social media makes people synthesize the information faster and make decisions quicker (Lynch 302). For example, immediately after the Tsunami in Japan, people from all over the world joined social media to support the affected Japanese Communities. Videos and news of the unfortunate events were posted on social media by some civil society groups and concerned individuals. "Changes related to globalization have resulted in the growing separation of individuals in late modern societies from traditional bases of social solidarity" (Bennett and Segerberg 770). Consequently, social media networks create an avenue for individuals to join hands for a common purpose.Social media networks enforce the element of urgency in news delivery (Bennett and Segerberg 772). People often make quick decisions in order to keep abreast with the latest or trending information. Social media are often bomb arded with an enormous chunk of information every passing second. Therefore, in order for one to stay up to date, they have to respond immediately before the information is overcome by other interesting or more compelling news (Bennett and Segerberg 776). It is this urgency that strengthens revolutionary movements because more people can join hands for a cause in just a few seconds. For instance, the revolutions in the Arab Spring countries such as Tunisia, Egypt and the ongoing Syrian Revolution have been able to attract huge interest on social media. In Egypt, the civilians were able to organize revolutionary meetings over social media. They were able to form large crowds that eventually overthrew the president.Social networks also enhance word of mouth communication. People can share their thoughts and feelings on different subjects. During revolutions, people share information such as loss of lives, areas most affected, and where the fight is headed next (Lynch 305). Previously, such information would only be relayed through word of mouth or telephone calls. However, with social media it is possible for people to plan, execute, and assess their revolutions online. Since this information is relayed instantly, it has a lot of psychological impact on the audience. It causes people to feel closer to each other especially in difficult times when rebelling against establishments.In conclusion, social media networks play a crucial role in contemporary communication. They promote unity of people in promoting common goals, initiating social change, and in execu...